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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Shine a Light 04/16/08

The question here isn't whether the movie has been made well. It's more likely, do you like the Rolling Stones? And are you hip to watch a bunch of sixty year old men gyrate and croon on a stage for two hours? Because if you take away all the great lighting, and tricky camera moves, that is what you are left with and no amount of Scorsese magic will make it work. In the end its up to the band. 

So the Rolling Stones. Something tells me they aren't what they used to be. At least Mick Jagger. He can still dance around the stage and all that, but he's not a very good singer. And during most songs he can't hit the hard notes. Maybe its because he's doing gymnastics on stage and he happens to be a senior citizen. Either way, the music falters. Listen especially to 'Sympathy for the Devil.' Do those 'wo-woos' at the beginning have to be in a weird falsetto. Is it just me when I say it doesn't sound to attractive. 

I did learn a lot about the band though, and about three quarters of the songs I had never heard of. They're were also a couple cameos. I especially liked it when Christina Aguilera came onstage and sang a duet. Now she can sing, usually very mediocre songs, but still she's got the voice. 

In between a couple of songs, Scorsese usually fits in a couple clips from the old days. These are pretty amusing because the band members kept on being asked how long they thought they could continue doing this. To which they always answered forever. And they have been. Which is cool if you think about it. But then again just because you can do something, should you. I hope I'm not in the audience when Jagger has a hernia/heartattack/stroke/whatever and dies onstage in front of everybody.

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