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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Deja Vu 01/17/07

fresh: Tony Scott's new thriller about a time travelling cop (Denzel Washington) and is quest to save a young woman and a ferry laden with passengers is a clean and crisp movie. An excellent thriller that although is not must see is still worth the ticket price and a bucket of popcorn.
The premise is scientifically iffy of course but then again its the premise of the movie. I put everything I knew about the paradoxes of time travel in the back of my head and enjoyed the movie. It also helped to have a great scientific looking and speaking actor (Adam Goldberg) do the explaining. I could believe anything that guy with the beard said. Denzel's straight and tough performance also makes this story more believable and Scott's quick movement through the movie never lets the audience get bored or think too much or for that matter too little.

The best part of the movie was the car chase. I thought it was one of the best I've seen in a while. Mostly because of its innovative premise. I thought every single type of car chase had been done. This movie came up with another I had never before seen. 

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