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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Little Miss Sunshine 11/17/06

This is the sweetest fucking movie I have seen this year. It might be the sweetest fucking movie I will see in my entire life. It is just so fucking sweet. and I don't say 'sweet' with any slang connotation. This is truly sweet. It is cheerful, it is cute, it captures all the joy and laughter that somehow peeks through the dreariness of mediocre lives. When one day you wake up and you feel like complete crap and you don't want to get out of bed and go to work but you do because you hate yourself and your so miserable but then you spot a child or just someone you know who is exceedingly cheerful because that's who they are and although you've been trying so hard to have the worst fucking day in your life this little ray of sunshine pierces your heart and melts all the fucking indifference in your system. All your problems turn into solutions and everything that looked so ugly suddenly looks beautiful and you want to stand up and clap and sing and dance and hug oh-so-tightly those you love. That's what this movie feels like. It's the fucking sweetest fucking movie I have ever seen in my entire life. God I love that kid. Everyone else in this movie, although they may be the most depressed people in the world, do too. She's beautiful and I'm not just saying that because of her brains and personality.

I'm not a fortune teller, but if I know anything, it's that the Academy loves giving out the Best Original Screenplay Oscar to this type of movie. Its the director's, Jonathon Dayton and Valerie Faris, and screenwriter's, Michael Arndt, first movie. It's very low budget and it's skillfully made although not expertly made. It's got the amateurish feel to it in that certain scenes may have been staged better or edited differently. It doesn't feel like an art house movie. It's a tiny independent movie, one of those you're glad to have seen because it feels like it could have easily been overlooked. There's a hell of a lot of potential here that makes me eagerly await their next film. One that will hopefully have as much heart, but also the little details that can only come from a good amount of helpful experience. Like I said, this movie isn't technically good enough to get huge awards attention only because so many other films look and feel superior. But it definitely will get a Original Screenplay nomination, and I wouldn't be surprised if it won.

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