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Sunday, October 24, 2010

No Country for Old Men 12/05/07

I very much want to see this movie again. and I say this because three quarters of the movie was fantastic, and the last quarter was confusing, bewildering, and criminally anti-climatic. The ending was so bad, that I started to question myself: Was it possible that I completely missed the entire point of the movie. It's possible. The Coen brothers are some of my favorite directors, and they have never made a completely worthless movie. Perhaps there was a deeper meaning to this picture, that I missed.
This type of omission has happened before. I remember when I saw 'The Departed' for the first time. I completely misunderstood the woman psychiatrists' role. I kept on expecting her to do different things at different times and was confounded at every turn. When I saw it a second time, her charachter worked perfectly. I wonder if that's what happened here. Next time I hope to pay more attention to what Tommy Lee Jones is saying and hope to not get so caught up in the cat and mouse chase between Llewllen Moss (Josh Brolin) and Chigurh (Javier Bardem). I'll add more to this review if and when I see it a second time.

P.S (added later)
I saw this movie a second time, and it is brilliant. I give my highest recommendation to it, and suggest that people see it twice if they are going to see it at all. The second time everything made sense. My expectations weren't getting in the way of understanding it like they did the first time around.

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