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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 06/07/07

Here's a blockbuster with a brain. And I couldn't be happier. This is my type of blockbuster, the type I hope to catch on with all other blockbusters.
At world's end, we catch up with the pirates where we've left off. In almost complete confusion, people switching sides for personal gain in flurries. In my last review of Dead Man's chest I mentioned the unique ability of the screenwriters to use every single characther in their own arc. This held over in spades in this movie. Each person has their own motives and goals. What this creates is a sense of chaos that permeates the entire picture. controlled chaos I must mention, if you pay attention you will understand what's going on. But you must pay attention. How many of today's blockbusters require critical thought. My point exactly, that's what makes this franchise so special. I would take the two sequel on an equal par with the original. They are all very good. 

The only inferior parts are miniscule and forgivable. These are the muted restrained love scenes between Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. They put the film in a lull for stupid reasons, especially since you know there's no way they won't get back together. When they finally get married it's a huge relief. The second part is the Calypso charachter. Her seriousness just puts all of her scenes off. I didn't like her in the second film and still don't in the third. I think it's because every other characther is weird yet funny. She's just weird. Hopefully they get it right in the 4th installment.

Jack Sparrow is sorely missed when he's not on screen. So it was a good idea to provide more than one of him. Johnny Depp owns the charachter. The two are inseperable, and they shouldn't try a pirates film without him.
Geoffrey Rush looks like he's having a hell of a time. The pirate league is colorful. The bad guy is delightfully malignantly restrained. and the costumes are ridiculously cool. There's a summit of the main charachters on this desert island in the middle of the film where they're all dressed to the nines. It's a costume designers wet dream I'm sure. 
Overall the film is very good and exceptional in almost all areas. Most blockbuster sequels have over the top spectacle but a deceptively hollow story. This movie has over the top spectacle but with a story that is overflowing with plot. Not your average fairy tale me harty.

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