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Sunday, October 24, 2010

All the King's Men 01/09/07

Boy they really screwed up with this one. I've never seen a two and a half hour movie that really should have been longer. It seemed to me that they got scared people would be bored so they went out and took thirty minutes out of the movie. Unfortunately what they took out were all the moments that would make anyone care about the movie. Moments that explained who Willie Stark was, who he was fighting against, why we care about the girl, why we care about the guy. What exactly was corrupt about the governnor, why does Law care whether Winslett slept with Penn or not. Who the hell is the Ruffalo character. There's no backstory on this story. There isn't even a bad guy or antagonist. It's as if the director assumed we had read the book and only wanted to see the good scenes. This movie is like a puzzle with half the pieces missing. It should have been good. It was great on paper, but it isn't a complete movie and at two and a half hours that's pretty shameful.

By the way, this movie claimed to be about the Sean Penn character Willie Stark. It isn't. It's about a sad sack reporter who's name I can't remember played by Jude Law. He doesn't like Willie because Willie once went to a strip club. My God the horror. This movie probably made sense to anyone who thought Clinton really deserved to be impeached. It didn't make much sense to me. 

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