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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Corpse Bride 10/02/05

This movie is beautiful. Beautiful in the way that is shall we say, Burtonesque. Does that say it all. I think it does. Mr. Burton has spent over twenty years now constructing his glorious and glamorous version of death and decay and has earned him the right of his own adjective. Let the dictionary now contain Burtonesque, and have this movie pictured right next to it. Like all of his movies, the strength is visual. A cascade of charicatures of characters and dazzling sights of the underworld. It has a certain real-life feel for the obtuse characters that only comes from the 3-D clay animation. The plotline here is not incredibly grand but complements the style well. The claymation acting is extremely well done, and moves unnaturally smooth. All the songs by Danny Elfman are enchanting. It's good all around. How we say a tight picture. As good as it can be. Nothing spectacular, but still nothing to miss.

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